First item of business: Wine! And what better brand than Cupcake for TEAM CUPCAKE!?
Next up: Cupcakes! With beautiful red roses - duh!
How could we have a party without photos of JP & Ben? Look familiar?
And a fabulous group of friends & family to watch with! Sadly, Jenn Kamienski was not in this photo. Boo! I have to admit, for throwing this together in virtually an hour, our crew was solid!

On to the episode...
I have been Team JP since Day 1, but I have always really liked Ben. Last night was tough to watch. The finale, like always, was a bit slow. The worst part of it all was during the "After the Final Rose" when ABC decided to preview some ridiculous show for what seemed like forever. Bachelorette Buzzkill.
Some of the highlights/lowlights from last night:
Ashley's sister - Luckily, she apologized at the "After the Final Rose" and is now BFF with JP, but I thought her performance on the show was rough. If she was my sister and treated my possible fiance like that, I would have been livid. I think she crossed the line. It's one thing to be skeptical and a little tough, it's another to be flat out rude. She was incredibly close minded with JP.
Ben & Ashley - I could not believe what Ashley did to Ben. I really like her, but c'mon, how do you let a man get on his knee and propose? There were so many opportunities for Ashley to just say "Stop." She let him get his hopes up and proposing was so completely unnecessary. Deanna did this with Jason as well. It's just something about this show that I do not understand. Do the producers make the Bachelorettes do this? My heart broke.
Because Ben was rejected, we proceeded with this:
Sorry Ben :(
JP's Proposal - Did you cry? Because I shed a tear. Call me a hopeless romantic, but I loved this. The proposal was completely heartfelt and genuine and if you didn't see the love/passion between these two, you're blind. I REALLY hope they last!

As I mentioned in my earlier post, Good Morning America came out to film the party last night!

Not all of our footage made the segment, but my "Team JP" line did:

Not my most flattering screenshot, but I'll take it! Fame is fame.
If you haven't seen the segment, click here! It's great.
Thank you to everyone who kept up with my blog all season! Make sure to keep following me for Bachelor Pad 2 coverage!
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