Thursday, January 13, 2011

Some links for you!

How many days until the next episode? I've never longed so much for a Monday. To help get you through the next few days, I wanted to share some other fabulous Bachelor/ette blogs for your enjoyment!

Molly Mesnick: Every week Molly tapes a Vlog with her thoughts on the Bachelor episode. No, I didn't spell blog wrong, it's a Video blog. She's really adorable and gives a nice perspective on the show:

Possessionista: This lady, Dana, is HYSTERICAL. You can follow her on Twitter at @possessionista. She live-tweets during the show and cracks me up weekly. Her passion is fashion and each week she finds out where all of the contestants get their outfits: She finds outfits/accessories from other shows too, so check her out!

Deanna Pappas: One of my favorite Bachelorette's to date, she blogs each week on the show and her thoughts. Sometimes she also throws in a recipe! Reality TV & Cooking = My two favorite things!

Natalie Getz: This girl is the best. I loved her on the Bachelor Pad and I love her blog. She's so funny and tells it like it is. Read her commentary each week here:

Enjoy and have a fabulous weekend!

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