Wednesday, June 30, 2010
The Bachelor Pad - New stuff!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
A Whole New World
Ali’s adventure around the globe continues and now we’re in Turkey with only 7 Bachelor’s left. We get a knock from Chris Harrison who says that Jessie is on the phone with news about one of the remaining suitors. Jessie? Really? Jessie the girl who didn’t speak a word on Jake’s season until the producers paid her to say Rozlyn was a slut? Hmm… seems real fishy. She just so happens to be BFF with Jessica, Justin’s girlfriend. Right. And it just so happens that pigs may fly today.
Jessie looks like typical white trash, no surprise there and of course the phone rings 6 times before she answers. She was obviously waiting with the camera crews for the phone to ring, maybe you could put some pep in your step. We’ve only got 2 hours here!
Jessica, Jessie’s new BFFAE, is pretty busted. She slightly resembles someone that could be related to Snookie. Which is bizarre because, click here. She explains to Ali how she let him go on the show to get famous and now that he has a second girlfriend, she’s pissed. What if he won? Girlfriend, check yourself. Who is the idiot here? YOU. You let your boyfriend of 2 years go on The Bachelor. That’s like Dan on Gossip Girl having a threesome with his best friend and girlfriend. BAD IDEA.
Ali immediately bugs out and goes to confront the guys. She gives Justin a piece of her mind while Roberto hugs her… points for Roberto there. Justin hobbles away and decides he’s going to pull out the ignore card. He also gives a big F.U. to Chris Harrison on his way out… Oh no you didn’t! No one messes with Harrison.
Clearly Justin is at fault because he would’ve stayed to defend his case. We watch a quick montage of Justin trampling through the Turkish Gardens, only to come back for some one-on-one time with Ali. Ali pretends she would have kept Kasey if she knew about Justin’s sitch (short for situation, thanks to The Situation). That’s a lie. Justin did you a favor there. Justin tries to defend himself by repeating NO! NO! NO! with his eyes simultaneously bulging out of his head, while fully rockin’ the Canadian accent. Goodbye Justin, you have been chopped.
Then we hear some voicemails. Pretty embarrassing for him. They’re real gay.
It’s now Ty’s turn for his one-on-one and the date card says “Let’s get steamy!” Do I smell a Turkish Bath coming on here? Does anyone from DG In-House Girls 07 remember when Jenny deemed my bathtub the Turkish Bath? And then put many many Hannah dolls in it? Anyone? Anyone? Oh well…
I’m not feeling much real chemistry between Ty and Ali. He’s a country boy and she’s a city girl. This bath house thing seems a little creepy in their matching plaid outfits. He’s got some random white cream on his shoulder and I’m feeling weird.
During dinner, I like Ty. He’s REALLY nice and seems pretty normal. But not for Ali. Or me. But he has hope in the dating world. He gets a rose
The guys are sitting around waiting for their next date card. Frank let’s us know that he wouldn’t date Craig personally. That’s good Frank, glad to know. The next one-on-one goes to Frank. Craig’s not going on a one-on-one and it’s more than obvious that he is going home.
Olive oil wrestling? Hook me up with some bread! Once the wrestling starts, I see why Frank wasn’t invited on this date. Clearly he would’ve been smushed to smithereens. The four boys are joined by big greasy Turkish dudes in leather pants… sounds like porn to me. This could get as dirty as Jillian and Mesnick in the hot tub, circa 2008.
Once we realize that there is a one-on-one possibility, we know that Craig is going to win. Regardless of his body being the least impressive, he pulls one out. Must be all that frat house practice he had back at Penn State.
Their date is real boring. No sparks and no kiss. We know he is going home.
Frank and Ali wander through the Turkish Spice Market, try on belly dancer outfits and giggle up a storm. Then they rug shop and buy a magic carpet. Little does Ali know, but Frank is planning on rubbing his magic genie bottle while singing A WHOLE NEW WORLD, and flying away to another land with Ali. Slick.
The dinner is a little strange. Frank starts talking about not being 100% sure and Ali is doubting someone falling in love with her back. Do I smell a foreshadow? Rose.
It’s rose ceremony time and I’m lovin’ Ali’s dress. I’ll have to go to Possessionista’s blog to see where she got it. Ali realizes that she is connecting with all of the guys except for one, so there is no need for a cocktail party. I think this is actually more cruel for the one guy. It’s like, Dude you are THAT bad tht she doesn’t even want to spend a little time to verify her non-feelings.
Craig leaves without a rose, but still maintains his class while saying good bye to Ali. He’s pretty shocked. We are not. He starts crying in the limo, and all I can think is… Take off your Mr. Potatohead frown and stick on a smile! It’s that simple.
Next week we’re off to Lisbon and if I didn’t read spoilers, I’d be real pissed with the amount of juice ABC gave away in the previews. Anyone else?
Who is your favorite? Will you miss Craig? What do you think happens next week?
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Some Bachelorette & Bachelor Pad Updates!
I'm friends with a bunch of the Bachelor's & Bachelorette's from past seasons on Facebook and thought you'd all like to see this new picture. Holly Durst (from Matt Grant's season) and Deanna Pappas are now best friends. They also date the Stagliano twins. Here is a new picture of them loving each other on the beach. I have to say, I miss Deanna's season.

There are some new updates on who's hooking up with who on THE BACHELOR PAD on He also explains how the show will work and the format. Sounds like it's going to get quite entertaining... There is a FANTASY SUITE in the house. This should be awesome!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Rated R + Snookie = Weird.
Who wants a burrito?
Bachelorette - Week 5
Before we talk about last night's ice party, I wanted to make sure that everyone heard Jake and Vienna split. Shocker? Nope. We'll see what is in store for them next. I'm sure Jake will try to find love again. Vienna will go for a sleazebag.
On to last night...
Our Icelandic adventure starts in the air with the boys flying to Iceland, practicing how to say love in Icelandic. I might really make myself sound stupid here, but who knew Icelandic was a language. Within 5 minutes of the episode, I miss the Weatherman. A lot. His comedic value was priceless. Ali, I will never forgive you for denying us his humor and leaving us with some big duds.
Everyone was given matching trapper hats for the trip, but clearly just for the “look.” Because Harrison was in a button down with a sweater, no jacket. It couldn't have been that cold during poem time. Or he’s just the man. Probably the latter.
The boys are given the challenge of writing a poem for Ali. Kasey gets real nervous about only having one hour to come up with a 15 second poem. C’mon Kasey, you spit lyrics like a seasoned rapper, this should be cake! Man up! We’re introduced to this guy named Chris N. Did anyone else know he was on the show? Not me.
One of the guys mentioned that Ali looks good in whatever she wears. Does anyone else hear the voice of Dream Phone? “She looks good in whatever she wears. She’s not wearing anything yellow.” “He likes most sports, but not baseball.”
The guys start their poems and the awkward moments continue. I seriously hope at this point that someone rhymes heart with fart. Anyone else think that? C’mon, don’t lie!
It’s Kasey’s turn and he’s speaking faster than ever before. And finally… ABC MUST HAVE READ MY BLOG! Kasey gets SUBTITLES. Hallelujah! I’ve concluded a few things here, but most importantly – Kasey was never deaf in his life. Over the past 4 weeks I’ve seriously thought that Kasey might have been deaf earlier in life. I thought I might be going to hell. But NOPE! They never would have used subtitles and made a mockery out of him. YAY! He’s just a weirdo! We can safely make fun of his voice from here on out without worrying about being offensive! HOORAH!
Next we learn why Chris N. has never spoken before. He is a complete freak. His poem gives Kasey’s songs a run for their money in the “How awkward can we make everyone else feel right now” category.
Roberto should’ve skipped the Icelandic and been like, Hola mi amor, besos besos. I think she would’ve fainted on the spot. Instead, he get’s shown up by Kirk and Frank the Energy Tank.
Kirk wins the date.
Kirk and Ali start their lame (in terms of activity, not love) date by trying on ugly sweaters. Maybe I should invite them to my friend Greg’s annual ugly sweater party? The date reminds me of Jillian and Jake’s date when they tried on western clothes. Except this date is missing the humorous tool Jake. It’s just blah. No helicopter, tight rope walking, hot tubs … just ugly sweaters and lobsters.
Their date goes well. I really like Kirk. I just have nothing to say because he’s pretty normal and they’re cute. One thing he said was pretty annoying – “I don’t think I’ve felt like this before and I feel so lucky.” Kirk, it’s your first date alone with Ali. Chill out.
The group date is right up Ty’s alley. We know this because someone reminds us every 45 seconds that Ty is a cowboy and taking control of the date. Did you know Ty is ruling the date?
Frank the Energy Tank is completely deflated on this date. He’s lost all of his mojo. You peaked during Episode 1 and now you are treading water. Get it together. You’re self destructing.
I miss the Weatherman. What’s the forecast?
Time for hot springs! Anyone else want Ali’s abs right about now? I should probably go to the gym tomorrow. Currently eating chips and feeling guilty… anyways…
Ty gets the rose and that’s about as surprising as Kasey telling Ali he’s here to guard and protect her heart. As if we didn’t see that one coming…
The match-up is finally here. Rated R vs. Rated Reject. Gimpy vs. Sounds Deaf. Kasey gives us a few solid quotes leading up to the date: “I got this tattoo to be someone. To be a man. To be a man for Ali.” “I love to love. I love to give. I love to share.” Oh dear Kasey, you sure are somebody. You are somebody that will go down in Bachelor history as a huge retard. Let’s just all jump in your heart and stay a while.
Rated R is all ready for his date, he even upgraded his cast for a boot. Take that Kasey! While Rated R and Ali are in the ice cave talking about Justin being here for the right reasons, Kasey is outside coughing up a lung. What is he drinking? Whatever it is, isn’t working out so well for him.
Ali let’s us know that she asked Kasey to take a step back from mushy gushy and "just be normal." Well, good thing he got a tattoo with her heart on it! No more mush for him! Super normal! Then… He drops the bomb.
Ali’s face is priceless. Inside Ali’s head – What? That’s my heart? On your arm? 11 stones? But there are only 9 of you now. What’s going on? Is Ashton going to jump out and tell me that I’m being punked? Did you buy that in a pack of 10 at Hot Topic and use water and a washcloth to stick it on?
With that, Kasey gets the boot. She thanks him for being him and letting him know that he needs to go find “that girl.” Kasey is wondering where the closest active volcano is, so he can jump in, but only to guard and protect his own heart.
The new cocktail party venue is pretty spiffy. Frank and Ali renew their vows. I mean, their relationship.
Mr. Potatohead gets huge points for his temporary tattoo, but he should probably work on some romance.
Hey Chris N. – Tell me something about you that would surprise me. Something funny! …. (insert silence and crickets)… I like Mexican food.
Hmm… I wonder who is going home?
With that, Ali hands out 5 roses and decides that Mexican food is not her cup of tea. Chris N. leaves. Hopefully someone will hand him a giant burrito on the way out.
What'd you think of tonight's episode? Do you miss the Weatherman as much as I do? Who is your pick to win? Leave some feedback! I love reading it!
Monday, June 21, 2010
A little Bachelor Pad gossip!
Click here for the full article, where Mathue (from Jillian's season) reveals some juicy information. Jesse the Winemaker and Elizabeth the weird Nanny? Hmm...
Don't worry - there are no real spoilers in here!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
The Bachelor Pad
The one thing that this show will not lack is entertainment. There are some real characters on this show and some real crazies.
For the full list of castaways, visit It includes pictures to refresh your memory. And the best part - Melissa Rycroft is a host! I love her.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Where are my earplugs?
Bachelorette - Episode 4
Was that a good episode or what? There was so much absurdness in those 120 minutes that I feel pressure to write a killer blog today. There were so many awkward moments that I didn’t know what to do with myself. Many of my notes say – What? No. Stop now. OMG.
Ali’s trip around the world begins in The Big Apple. She gets her little InStyle makeover to look “like a New Yorker.” Thank god for Hal Rubenstein for fixing up her hair. Although later it still looks hideous. Fail.
When the boys land in New York, Jonathan kisses a direction sign outside of the airport. Did anyone notice? He contracted 5 diseases.
Kasey gets the first date card. I get nervous. Will ABC help us out and provide subtitles? This is a lot of talking coming our way from Kasey. Nope. No subtitles. Throughout the beginning of the date I find myself reading Kasey’s lips because if I don’t, I have no idea what he is saying.
Ali and Kasey take a helicopter – no way! What a surprise! And I think they picnic in New Jersey. I could be wrong, but I think they’re in Jersey City. Kasey rambles (literally) on and on about Ali’s journey being similar to a cocoon and a butterfly. Kasey, please stop now. Oh wait, NOW YOU ARE SINGING.
This is one of the most awkward moments in Bachelor history. Ali’s face screams – W T F?! PLEASE STOP. There is silence everywhere. Kasey might have gotten The Bachelorette confused with High School Musical 2 because no one is supposed to break out in random song except Zac Efron.
The date continues at the Museum of Natural History and again, Kasey breaks out into song one more time. Please God, stop this kid. He also impersonates a monkey at one point and his impression has NOTHING on mine. If I wouldn’t totally embarrass myself, I’d upload a video. Maybe next week.
Ali says on her camera interview that Kasey can be “a little cheesy.” Little cheesy? Ali, get a grip and be honest. You will NEVER end up with this toolbox. Kasey then digs his hole of cheese even deeper – “You’re everything I ever wanted. You’re different because you’re Ali. Jump into my heart, stay a while.” Jump into my heart? I think you’re close to a bridge Kasey. Maybe you should jump off that and save yourself the embarrassment. I don’t think I’ve felt this embarrassed for a contestant since Naomi’s Mom had a bird funeral on Jason’s season. And even that wasn’t this bad.
At this point, it’s official. Kasey has run right past Jake and Jonathan for the “Biggest Tool in Bachelor History” award. Congrats! I’ll send you a certificate. Or maybe you can tattoo it on yourself.
Now we get a group date, and a pretty cool one if I do say so myself. Maybe it has something to do with my previous role of Nala in the Spring Lake Day Camp matinee of The Lion King. The boys find Ali in the “concrete jungle” and it’s time to sing their hearts out. Too bad that Kasey isn’t there. My guess is that by the end of this episode, Ali never ever ever ever wants to be sung to again. Just sayin.
Rico Suave wins the date and although I feel bad for Jesse because as Randy Jackson would say, “That was mad dope dawg,” it doesn’t take a brain scientist to figure out that singing TO Ali is a good decision. ABC then makes the 6 rejects watch Ali & Roberto on TV… Couldn’t you give them seats?
As per usual, Jonathan is freaking out and his panties are in full bundle mode. Can someone get him a Hi-C to calm down? And Frank doesn’t understand why his girlfriend is with someone else. Not only with someone else, but as Kirk says, Roberto’s head is in her cleavage. Yes, it is, and it’s moving down to…
Anyways… Kirk proves to be a stand-up guy by congratulating Ali & Roberto for a job well done. Disagree. If I paid $100 + for tickets to The Lion King, I’d be PISSED.
At the wrap party, Ali gets subtitles. W T F. Couldn’t you have done this earlier for Kasey? Kirk tucks Ali into bed and again, we watch Jonathan and Frank freak out a little bit more.
Now it’s time for Chris L’s date. Love him. There really isn’t much to say because it’s really normal and really cute. Their kiss worried me a little bit, needed a little more passion, but that can come later. When he discusses his Mom and rainbows, won’t lie, I cried.
In the meantime, Kasey is out on the town getting RETARDED tattooed on his forehead. Oh wait, I lied. It’s just a giant shield protecting a heart. And he has 11 stones on the shield to represent the guys left. YOU IDIOT! Are you going to cross one off each time someone goes home? I hope for Kasey’s sake that this is a temporary. He might as well have gotten Zac Efron’s face tattooed on his ass.
I can’t believe he did this. This is up there with the cheesiest tattoo’s I’ve ever seen. Worse than a trampstamp. Worse than your wifey’s name on your heart. Worse than “tribal” jazz. This is so pathetic. If there was a “Worst Tattoo’s Ever – Hall of Fame,” Kasey just got inducted.
At the rose ceremony, Jonathan decides to dig his hole even deeper and play Ali a song. Jonathan, you have ruined all chances that you have with Ali. Now you have also become “a token guitar player.”
I wish Kasey had told Ali about the tattoo during their 1-on-1 time, but instead he gives her candy. They’re also half eaten. I’d be pissed off.
Who is Chris N.? I understand that sometimes there are a few guys with less screen time. But he has had NONE. Not a peep. And this week he didn’t even get a date! WTF.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
It's just too little too late.
For someone who doesn’t like to fly, Ali is sure flying a lot. Why not a boat or something ABC? The girl is scared. Roberto’s date was pretty spot on and perfect. The past two seasons, they’ve picked the person that went on the adventure date – Jilly chose Ed, Jake chose Vienna… Could this be a pattern? Biggest downfall of the date – When the words “Are you ready to fall for me?” were spoken. Cheesefest. I marfed. For those that don’t know about marfing, it’s mouth barfing. Live it, learn it, love it. Ali drinks enough on the date to say beso about 17 times.
We get some nice shots of the guys at the Bachelor Pad. Jonathan – News Flash: White Oakley-esque sunglasses went out in the 90’s with Jake’s pooka shell necklace. Retire those.
Group date time! Cape Chris is debuting his Periodic Table of Elements Shirt that we saw in his ABC photo shoot – nicely played. The boys get to see the Barenaked Ladies play live and we get to see a real awkward dance party. I’m gonna bet $5 that no one was comfortable in that situation.
The music video was beyond absurd. We get an up-the-short shot of Frank at one point. That was weird. Jonathan nears pansy panic attack status at the thought of kissing Ali. I’m not sure where Jonathan’s manhood went, but he should probably ask for it back. The best moment for sure was PeeWee getting shot down in the bathtub. No, wait, I lied. It’s when Cape Chris states, “It’s a big day for the little man.” Oh Cape Chris, you’re so witty! Next season, will you guest blog?
Kirk goes in for the kill with Ali’s tonsils and Frank the Energy Tank is officially deflated. Hey Frank – You know you signed up for the Bachelorette, right? Yes, it’s that show with 24 OTHER guys and 1 girl. No, Ali isn’t your girlfriend. Get a grip.
At the Coors Light sponsored wrap party, Cape Chris tells Ali about his mom and America falls in love with Cape Chris a little more. Jonathan has significantly weird 1-on-1 time and might have shart himself at one point until Mr. Potatohead interrupts.
We get to watch the RIDICULOUSLY LAME music video. I think the song should be titled, “How to be a hooker.” It’s almost as good as “Money Can’t Buy You Class” by LuAnn on the Housewives of New York. If you have a few minutes and are interested in peeing your pants, click here.
Rated-R hobbles down to Ali’s mansion, the moment we’ve been waiting for in the previews. He probably should’ve hitchhiked or something. At least she drove him home. She’s so sweet.
Meanwhile, poor Hunter is gearing up for the most awkward date of his life. Mr. Potatohead is drinking his worries away, walking around with his champagne bottle.
Hunter’s date was pretty much awful. Great move by ABC – save the fancy date money and score dinner for the staff – smart one. Why waste the good date on Mr. Mom? Ali and Hunter also drink coke or something… another clear sign this date is doomed. Ali is much more fun after 5 Pinot’s. If you’d like more details on Hunter & Ali’s date, visit After Ali denies the rose, Hunter asks if there is anything he could do to change her mind. Well Hunter, in the words of JoJo – It’s just too little too late.
At the cocktail party, Steve makes an attempt at redemption by setting up a picnic on the pavement, only to be mortified by not being able to open champagne. Jesse commits a huge fashion no-no… denim on denim?! They’re the exact same shade. Don’t they teach you this in Peculiar?
We don’t hear much from crybaby Jonathan which is surprising. He’s in the corner, drinking his Hi-C. He’ll probably call Jake after the rose ceremony to get tips on how to be the biggest tool in Bachelor history. They’re neck in neck.
At the end, we lose Pee Wee and Steve. No big loss. Until next time…
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Get your panties out of a bundle.
I’m a day late watching this week’s episode. Last week I had dinner at my mom’s house and when I told my best friend how upset I was that I had to miss the episode, she said, “Well Jen, sometimes life gets in the way.” Or something to that nature. Regardless, I thought about the show all day, rushed home to watch it, and missed a few different evening plans to do this. Dedication.
Frank the Energy Tank gets this week’s first date and boy golly is he excited! Ali is obviously wearing her Converse sneakers – great product placement by them – and YELLOW, which we all are fully aware is her favorite color. Ali picks up Frank and like clockwork, most of the Bachelors have no shirt on. Justin “Rated-R” is wearing man-pris. If you don’t know what man-pris are, they’re capris for men. Similar to a man purse. I don’t approve, especially white ones.
When Frank and Ali broke down on the highway a few thoughts when through my head – 1. How funny would it have been if Jake showed up in a mechanic outfit ready to fix the car? Then went on about how happy he is for Ali and how much he loves Vienna, blah blah… 2. I’m SURE you had to take a cab. Couldn’t you hitch a ride with the film crew?
They arrive on Hollywood Blvd. and as Ali puts it, “Where else do you go in LA?” Well Ali, I’ve only been to LA once and Hollywood Blvd. is like Times Square. It’s fun for about 30 seconds, then you are harassed by tour vans, people in costume, etc. I could think of much better places to go with ABC’s budget, like THE HOLLYWOOD SIGN!
Frank and Ali’s date was cute. He gets the first kiss. They look like they’re in a modern version of Grease – leather jacket, convertible, etc. The date was white rice in my book.
Back at the Bachelor pad, we see Craig The DBag starting to be the house bully. He’s making fun of Jesse’s tattoos, which we haven’t seen yet, so we know they must be intense. My two favorites Chris L and Roberto both mention that they won’t get involved with the drama because they aren’t here for that. Well played boys.
The group beach date was pretty entertaining. Ali looked very hippy meets beach chic, while the boys looked very douche-tastic. We learn that Justin shaves his chest here as well. This is a great date for Ali – She gets to watch these guys make fools of themselves while she throws back a few beers. Sounds great. Jonathan is SO self conscious. I noticed this before, but it really showed in this episode with the Speedo saga. Craig R (Mr. Potatohead) has cheese nips.
At the after party, Ty drops the divorce bomb and Ali’s eyes look like they’re going to pop out of her head. I was shocked that he got a rose, because she looked like she sharted when he told her that.
Jonathan the Weatherman begins to remind me more and more of Jake. He’s so annoying, blabbing on about who is there for the right reasons. Now, I agree that Craig the DBag is a d-bag, heck I even named him Craig the DBag, but he is funny. Didn’t Jonathan ever learn that when people make fun of you, if you ignore them, they will stop? LET IT GO. Instead, Jonathan gets his panties in a bundle and cries the whole episode to Ali. I’m over it and wish she sent them both packing to Crybaby Island.
I was surprised that Jesse got the 1-on-1 date. Ali’s hair finally looked great for a few minutes – Kudos to ABC Hair & Makeup. This date was pretty ridiculous – private jet, private pool, Ferrari, suite, and concert? Don’t mind if I do. We are introduced to Jesse’s tattoos – YIKES #hatethem. I feel for Jesse because he is young and very naive, but him and Ali don’t have much in common. I’m happy she is keeping him a little longer, but there was no substance on this date.
Cocktail party was dominated by Crybaby 1 and Crybaby 2 – formerly known as Craig the DBag and the Weatherman. We got a little time for Roberto and Chris L. which was great since they got jipped out of dates. We also got a few minutes with Kasey. Hey ABC – Can you please throw in some subtitles? It’s nearly impossible to understand this guy.
Is Jonathan drinking Hi-C? Hawaiian punch? What’s up with that?
All in all – boring episode. I need more spice. This was a little bland. Luckily Craig is gone and will stop bullying Jonathan and he can stop crying like a little girl.
Until next week.