Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Bachelorette Premiere!

Yesterday felt like Christmas Eve. I’ve never hated Dancing with the Stars as much as I did last night. Pushing off The Bachelorette until 9pm – How dare they! Finally, 9pm rolled around and it was just like Christmas morning. As usual, we kicked off the new season looking back at Ashley’s journey on The Bachelor and the heartbreak she suffered after Brad Womack sent her packing. Then we were given the opportunity to take a look into Ashley’s daily routines in Philadelphia – running with hoop earrings on, teaching a suggestive dance class, long stares into the distant sunset – the usual. All the stuff I do on a daily basis!

My initial thoughts on Ashley – She looks good. She obviously hit the gym hardcore after finding out about the show. Not that she wasn’t in shape before, but c’mon, her body is now out of control. She has really taken to the crop-top trend, so we’ll be seeing a lot of her 6pack this season I assume. Also, ABC also gave her some new eyebrows… Those were not the brows she had last season.

My favorite part of Night 1 is the first look at Ashley’s suitors, mostly because I can compare my first impression on TV to the first impressions I made a few weeks ago when the photos were released online - http://jensrealityobsession.blogspot.com/2011/05/bachelorette-contestants.html. Many of my original opinions still stand – I liked Ryan P, Ben F, Ben C, William, etc. A few of them… I’ll eat my words.

A few thoughts on the introduction packages:
  • Ryan P – Seems like a great catch and almost perfect… until you made that Taylor Swift style heart with your hands into the sun. I nearly lost my dinner.
  • JP – I was pleasantly surprised! When I saw his bio on ABC.com, I thought he was going to be white rice, but he seems like a winner. Keeping my eye on him!
  • Ames – I have some mixed feelings on him. He seems very well rounded… athletic, world traveler, successful, smart, but also seems a bit stuffy. I’m hoping he lets loose.
  • Ben C – He seems like a huge cheeseball and in love with love. Hoping that doesn’t ruin everything for him because he was also funny.
  • Bentley – He sucks. We all know this. I’m already sick of him. I also think he seems like a huge weirdo… He started a family fun center. Sounds a little bit like a pedophile, no? He also named his daughter Cozy. I hate him.
  • William – Adorable… But he did have minor signs of man boobs, so we’ll have to keep an eye on that.
Chris Harrison and Ashley sit down for their one on one time and Ashley talks about all of the regret she has from not opening up to Brad on The Bachelor. She also never imagined she’d be back in the house. Right… I bet she was just as surprised to be the Bachelorette as America was to hear that – SOMEONE ISN’T HERE FOR THE RIGHT REASONS! Already!

Limo Time! Out of all of the 25 entrances, these stood out to me:
  • Lucas – You seem like a serial killer.
  • Mickey – Going in for the kiss… bold moves. Mickey is a huge let down. He was built up to be this GQ studmuffin before the season started and I have to say, disappointing.
  • Stephen – Ashley loves his hair. I hate his hair.
  • Anthony – I was pulling for the Jersey kid, but he couldn’t have been any more awkward and nervous. There is no hope for a rose.
  • Ames – Nice move with the ballet tickets, but if Ashley doesn’t pick you, can she take someone else? He looks like he walked straight off Harvard’s campus and onto the Bachelorette.
  • Jeff – I hate your mask.
  • Ben F – Brings his wine and tells Ashley that he’s brushed his teeth eight times that day… I think I love Ben F.
  • Ryan M – Seemed nice and normal until he started asking Ashley if she’d take a picture of him with Chris Harrison later on… get a grip.
  • Bentley – Ashley hoped that Bentley wouldn’t be drop dead gorgeous and nice. Well, you’re in luck! He’s far from gorgeous and a giant asshole. I’ll bet you keep him around regardless…
The cocktail party isn’t very exciting. Other than Tim getting schwasted and passing out, nothing stood out. Yes, there were some cute moments – Ben C using cue cards, That guy whose name I can’t remember throwing the guitar in the pool – But no jaw droppers.

Tim is a total creeper. My favorite moment was when he told Ashley he sells wines and spirits and Ashley thought he sold won and spurs. Not only is Tim sleeping, but he’s using Ashley’s fur coat as a blanket! She sends him packing and says that she can identify with wasted opportunities. No pun intended! The guys are much nicer to him than I’d expect. I guess it’s one less person to compete with. But I must say, Tim getting sent home that fast was a wasted opportunity in my book. Why would no one think to play a good prank on him? Put his hand in warm water, honey and feathers, get out a Sharpie… C’mon! Weren’t any of these guys in a fraternity? Lame.

In my opinion, no one is a real standout for the 1st Impression Rose. A bunch of frontrunners but I don’t see one that stands out the most. It goes to Ryan P. and I’m okay with that.

Not too many shockers at the rose ceremony – We knew that Jeff in the Mask and Bentley would get roses. You can’t get rid of good television on Night 1. I was a little sad to see Anthony the Butcher go home… He was so nice in his exit interview!

Okay, so what’d you think? Who are your immediate favorites? Do you think she’ll keep Bentley around for way too long? Looking forward to a great season of blogging! Leave some comments!


  1. Ugh Bentley pissed me off, and Ashley pissed me off for not noticing what a douche he is, after she ALREADY HAD BEEN WARNED!!! And then of course the season preview he says in an interview that he's not at all attracted to her... WTF! At least try to fool the audience!!

  2. I'm rather irritated at this whole Bentley thing. His constant explicit complaints about Ashley not being his type and his excuse to continue due to immature machismo competitiveness are so ridiculous that it makes me question the show.

    We all wonder how much of reality shows really are reality and these past two episodes have suggested the show to be excessively fabricated. It is hard to believe that a guy would be either so oblivious or so willing to show the Bachelorette watching nation what a complete asshole he is. The former seems improbable meaning that he is doing this on purpose, further supported by his redundancy.

    Furthermore, I would question the ethics of the show if this is not all set-up for "entertainment value." How could they ask Ashley to be the Bachelorette and then from the start make her look like a fool. It is not fair to her if the cameramen and producers constantly see both sides of the story and don't tell her or hint to her.

    As such, it definitely seems like a predetermined situation set-up from the very beginning by the supposed text messages. Of course he's the one she's already falling for even though she knows he may be a phony. And of course he's going to stick around for a long time and continue to slander her to the nation behind her back and 'break her heart' as the season previews have already shown. I find it hard to believe that she's that stupid. How can we believe anything these shows say?
