Monday, September 27, 2010
Brad is back!

Monday, September 13, 2010
Okay, was this not the best finale ever?! Before we start, I’d like to give out a few superlatives:
Dumbest: We have a tie!
Jessie S – for going home with David after the finale aired, after acting like a hard ass AND voting for him.
Michelle – for acting like Tenley murdered your first born child. It was a rumor. Grow up!
Elizabeth – for trying to defend yourself against a guy that DOES NOT LIKE YOU on TV. You will not win this one.
Most Improved: Another tie!
Peyton – loving the new hair-do!
Krisily – looking hot, I must say.
Cutest Couple:
Wes & Gia – Maybe I’m a sucker for “Love Don’t Come Easy” but I’m loving them together. Maybe I have a girl crush on her. Who knows…
Best Line of the night:
Natalie, “That’s why I’m gonna share it with ya!”
On to the episode…
The Dancing With The Stars competition was boring. We all knew that Tenley was going to take the cake and it doesn’t surprise me that ABC made this the final challenge, since they love “Kip-Ten.”
The best part of the whole competition was Kovacs drooling over Edyta. Or maybe David “Man Code” Good dancing with Louis van Amstel. Or maybe watching Elizabeth poop her pants thinking that Edyta is hotter than her… which she is. She’s literally watching them dance, about to start foaming at the mouth. I feel like she’s about to turn into a werewolf. Maybe I should stop watching Twilight…
Oh wait! We can’t forget Louis comparing David and Natalie’s dance moves to doggy style. Classic! I wonder if he’ll use that this season with Margaret Cho…
One of the brainiacs says that “This is just like Dancing with the Stars!” Yes. Except that you’re in a driveway, there is no audience and you aren’t a star.
All of the dances were weird. Tenley and Kiptyn were clearly the best, but who wished she stopped saying, “Smile!” throughout the dance to Kip? Elizabeth and Jesse were pitiful. Their music sounded like something you’d listen while on hold for the dentist and Kovacs misses Edyta. Dave & Natalie look fun, but there isn’t much talent. Although Judge Jake thinks they tried “dang hard.” Oh man, I wish I blogged Jake’s season. Talk about content!
Kip-Ten wins (I can’t believe I just endorsed that name) and Elizabeth is sad that her fairytale is going to end. Maybe next time she’ll learn that this show is about money, not love. Jesse tries the whole, “Vote for us, we suck!” tactic, but nope.
Goodbye Kovacs & Elizabeth!
I think everyone went about 3 shades too dark in the spray tan booth, right? Or is my screen just heavy on the orange this week?
Quick thoughts: Melissa’s dress is quite va-va-voom… But I’ve gotta give it to her – She looks awesome for a few months pregnant. Not feeling her ponytail though… Gia looks hot as usual. Elizabeth, SERIOUS improvement with the hair color. Now let’s hope it fades a bit.
Elizabeth – Note to self: When you’re trying to act like you’ve moved on from someone, don’t throw out the, “If anyone wants to date a player” comment… It makes you look pathetic. Especially when he doesn’t seem to care.
Who is LOVING Gia and Wes and their kiss session? Me!
Once again, Jessie S. is deciding to come out of the woodwork and be chatty. First, she goes off on a rampage about Dave. Then, she went home with him after the finale. Classy!
I’m so over the Nikki-Kiptyn saga. Yes, Nikki, you saved him. But so did Tenley technically. It’s a game. Pipe down.
Why are Chris and Melissa standing behind these creepy podiums?
We then hear why everyone should get $250k. Pretty normal responses, assisted by some comments from the peanut gallery. Excuse me Gwen? You’d like to admit that you’re 39 now? I thought it was pretty cool of Dave to be honest with her. David: "If you're in your 30's and on a reality dating show, it's ____." Let's all help David fill in the awkward blank. *Desperate *Sad *Pathetic *Creepy *Weird *Unfortunate *Silly
I think that Kiptyn would have had a much better chance if he wasn’t with Tenley.
Time for votes! (And my commentary)
Craig M – Kiptyn & Tenley
Weatherman – Kiptyn & Tenley
Jessie S. – David & Natalie (She’s looking to hook-up with Dave.)
Krisily – David & Natalie (She’s looking to hook-up with Dave.)
Peyton – David & Natalie (All thanks to Natalie being her friend when Peyton felt like an outcast)
Jesse B – David & Natalie
Juan – Kiptyn & Tenley (He’s proving a man-code point that he will not ever endorse David.)
Gwen – Kiptyn & Tenley (She’s bitter that Dave called her desperate.)
Ashley – David & Natalie
Michelle – David & Natalie (Psycho.)
Nikki – David & Natalie (Karma’s a bitch, Kip!)
Wes – I GOT YA BROTHER. (Runner up for best line of the night… Did anyone else get a little emotional?)
Kovacs comes in for the hug… This is fabulous! I’m giddy. I’ll assume that Gia, Elizabeth and Kovacs all voted for David & Natalie also.
Once Harrison talks about the next steps and announces the possibility of the rejects getting money, Juan and Weatherman insta-hug. Seriously?! What could be creepier?
Natalie & Dave contemplate. Then we get our happy ending, with Natalie saying, “THAT’S WHY I'M GONNA SHARE WITH YA!”
Okay, who is going to miss this show SO much? Who would you have voted for? What show should I blog next? We have a few months until the next Bachelor, so send some suggestions! Thanks for reading!
Monday, September 6, 2010
Let's go on a rocketship!
In the words of Chris Harrison, “Everything is about to change.” He definitely says this once each season. All of the girls get nervous. Elizabeth is worried that she may have to leave Kovacs. How about the money!? Get your head in the game.
The girls get all decked out for their daytime challenge. Someone must have told them it wasn’t a pie eating contest. The “single” girls must feel pretty stupid for being anti-couples. This is a no brainer.
Nikki… You really think Kiptyn will pick you? Tenley saved him just as much as you did. I wish the guys wouldn’t pretend they might not pick their girlfriends. It’s wasting my time.
Ashley, Nikki and Gwen leave heartbroken. They didn’t find love or money. Maybe you shouldn’t have jumped on the “Bash Couples Fest 2010” train.
Time for the first couples challenge. Everyone is strategizing.
Natalie hopes it’s a swimming race – haha.
Elizabeth and Jesse brainstorm and see who knows more about each other. REMIND ME WHY ELIZABETH DIDN’T WIN “MOST DUMB” !??! She takes memory pills.
We hear Tenley talk about being in love and fairy princesses. Kip-Ten… I have no words.
Jesse is picking an ingrown hair with a screw.
This challenge was really lame and boring. Luckily, my favorite couple wins. The orange team (P&J) are probably going home and Peyton is blaming it on herself.
Natalie and David await their date card. Tenley suspects they’ll be going in a rocket. Tenley, I would like to shoot you into outerspace in a rocketship throughout this entire episode. Stop eating so much candy and get off the happy train. You’re driving me crazy!
Elizabeth and Jesse spot the Lamborghini in the driveway and decide to “christen” it. Does anyone wonder if Elizabeth watches the show with her parents? Her dad must be proud!
Dave and Natalie start their drive on the PCH. How much more likeable is Dave this season!?! They bond over some sushi and sake, and we get to see the softer side of Dave. I loved hearing what they’d each do with their money and how appreciate Natalie is of her parents.
They talk strategy and Dave makes it clear that he can beat Kovacs at ANYTHING. He only played baseball in college. Dave played everything else.
Back at the PAD, Elizabeth and Jesse sneak off into the fantasy suite. Again – Your. Parents. Would. Be. Proud. Elizabeth annoys Kovacs and keeps telling him that she wants romance. Um, hello! He brought chocolate and champagne. That’s pretty romantic for the Bachelor.
Tenley knows they’re doing it because she went upstairs and it “smelled good.” EW! Wouldn’t it smell bad? T.M.I.
The rose ceremony is interesting and truthfully, I wasn’t sure which way it would go. I thought that it might even come down to a tie, but in the end, Peyton and Jesse got the boot. Natalie and Tenley made the right move, because they need their partners trust.
I’m also not sure I think Elizabeth and Jesse are such a threat. They know a lot about each other, but that is it. They haven’t won anything yet. If I were playing, I’d get rid of Tenley and Kiptyn because they’re likeable. Don’t these people watch Survivor?
Who is your pick to win? I’m rooting for Dave and Natalie.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Bachelor Pad Superlatives!
I think it was pretty obvious from the beginning that Wes was going home. He basically committed PAD suicide by defending Gia’s honor once she was gone. Give it up! To gather his thoughts and re-compose, Wes takes a dip in the hot tub in his briefs. Everytime we see people like Gwen or Ashley, I can’t help but wonder why they’re still there. White rice… they bring nothing to the table.
Time for the cruel survey. Tenley obviously cries while filling it out. She really pushes the annoying envelope this episode. This game was harsh, but I think it could’ve been worse. Like – Most likely to have an STD, Most likely to sleep with your boyfriend/girlfriend, Ugliest, etc.
Natalie is hysterical. She was honored when she thought she was being voted dumbest, but then devastated when she got “always a bridesmaid, never a bride.” Basically she got voted “Biggest Flirt.” It’s not the end of the world. I was “Biggest Flirt” in my 8th grade superlatives! I actually thought Nikki was going to get that one and have a mental breakdown.
Elizabeth was voted the most shallow, but no worries because she doesn’t even know what shallow means. Idiot. And her boob job is pretty bad. Kovacs should have sucked it up and been honest. At least they’d both be safe!
Tenley and Jesse B. win and they each get a one-on-one date. It’s obvious who they’re going to pick, so the rest of the episode was pretty boring. Too similar to the Bachelor/Bachelorette.
Back inside, the girls are all crying and freaking out about the game. Momma Gwen comforts Natalie and Kovacs realizes that he loves Elizabeth. Dave is sitting on the couch wondering how he can used his “Most Crushed On” status to dominate the game. I’m sure the girls that didn’t have their names written at all feel really awkward at this point.
Prince Charming and Cinderella leave for their date and we learn it’s Kip’s first helicopter ride. WHAT?! How is this possible? He was on the Bachelorette! Tenley keeps using cheesy terms like “leap of faith” and she’s losing any hope I had for her rapidly. Her energy is overwhelming. I feel like I’m playing CandyLand or something. The date is boring. They tell each other that they have crushes on each other. The end.
Jesse and Peyton’s date was much funnier. Peyton introduces Jesse to a martini. We knew that he was going to be wasted and it’s all downhill from there. Jesse chugs it and starts pig-fest 2010. Peyton is upset that he’s acting like this – Hello! Maybe you shouldn’t have gotten him so drunk. No love going on for these two tonight.
At the rose ceremony, David and Kovacs are at the mercy of Kiptyn, because if it’s a tie, he’ll be the swing vote and vote out Elizabeth. They flip their vote and screw Krisily.
Next week looks pretty entertaining, and I have a good idea of what is going to happen.
Tell me – Who would you give the 250k to? Are you rooting for the couples or the loners?