Gia cries because she has a boyfriend and can’t kiss other boys. Ashley says she can’t participate because her gallbladder. Oh wait, that was Krisily last week. Wrong excuse! Ashley is a teacher. I respect the fact that she doesn’t want her kiddies watching her swap spit with 6 guys, but why did you come on this show?
I have no idea why Gia was in the game for half, only to quit later. If you peck guys on the lips, you’re obviously going to lose – c’mon, you’re up against Elizabeth and Natalie, who are trying to eat face. So why even play?
Nastiest girl kisser: Elizabeth. She was groaning. Why would she think that eating each guys face and slobbering might give her the big W? Anyone notice the “mmmm” sounds she made? EW. Poor Kovacs.
Kovacs makes a comment that he’s going to have to struggle through some of these kisses. I’m sorry but every one of these girls is good looking. It’s not like this is a charity case situation.
Favorite line of the season – Natalie letting us know she’d make out with all of the guys for like 20 bucks. HILARIOUS. This is why I love her.
Who can watch Weatherman without laughing? I can’t. Natalie leaves him needing a cold shower, then Elizabeth tries to beat her and proceeds to slobber all over him, then spitting in the pool after. Disgusting…
Peyton wins for the girls and David wins for the men. I’ll have to check in with my sources on how good of a kisser David is.
David’s turn to pick 3 lucky ladies…
Ashley hopes it is her. Um, it won’t be. You sat out the competition. DUH! David picks Nikki (sympathy), Krisily (she’s way too excited) and Natalie (sex).
Krisily is all up on David’s junk. She loves him. She is ready to tell him that after kissing him during the contest, she’s fallen. Terrible idea, Krisily. He does not like you. Shocker: David chooses Natalie for the overnight date.
Krisily is sad and wishes she got to tell David her feelings. Well, lucky for you, you didn’t get that opportunity. It would’ve been mortifying.
David and Natalie consummate their love in the Fantasy Suite. Now they’re a couple. Right…
Back at the PAD, Tenley is rejected by Kiptyn and freaks out to Natalie. Tenley, you’re annoying. Take it back a notch.
Peyton makes a great decision, choosing the Jesse’s and Kiptyn for her date. Jesse B. is feeling Peyton and makes sure to let her know that him and Natalie are not a couple. He’s wholesome and she’s a hoochie and he’s not down with that. Cue make out scene!
Jesse B. gets the rose and since their date was local, their fantasy suite happens to be in the PAD.
PAUSE! DID ANYONE ELSE NOTICE THE “LOVER’S BODY PAINT” OUTSIDE OF THE FANTASY SUITE? W T F. Nevermind the chocolates and candles… what’s up with the body paint? In the word’s of David Good – CHEESE ASS.
Gia and Wes are canoodling. Here we go! The moment we’ve all been waiting for…. “Love don’t come easy!” Wes obviously only knows one song. And this is it. If I was Gia’s boyfriend, she’d be toast. She’s fully cheating minus the physicality.
It’s time for the rose ceremony and Peyton is wearing the dress that I just bought for the Emmy’s this weekend. I look better in it. Yes, I’m going to the Emmy’s. I sure hope the Bachelor Pad people are too!
Elizabeth gets saved and Gia and the Weatherman get the boot. Definitely losing some humor with the Weatherman. Season’s always get more lame without him.